Welcome to the official documentation site for the Composable DataOps Platform, the best-in-class intelligent data operations and analytics platform. You will find Composable to be a powerful development environment that will allow you to architect data-intensive applications that leverage disparate data sources, live feeds, and event data and significantly reduce your time to deployment for operational data intelligence solutions.
This documentation is continuously written, edited, and expanded by members of the Composable community. It is edited via text files in the Markdown format and then compiled into a static website and hosted using ReadTheDocs.
You can contribute to Composable's documentation by opening issue tickets or sending patches via pull requests on GitHub.
Please browse the topics (on the left) to find technical documentation, getting started guides and how-to articles. In addition to this documentation you may also find the following sites useful:
- Read articles on the Composable Blog to keep up to date with the latest new features and updates.
- Search through the Support Forums to read through past discussions and ask questions.
- Review the Composable API Docs for details on the Composable API services and data objects.
Feel free to contact us or send an e-mail to info@composable.ai with any questions or requests for live tutorials and demonstrations.